N'ogbe ọnụ akpaka achịcha dị iche iche Ime Machine mgwakota agwa Sheeter Machine / mgwakota agwa Rolling Machine

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

Anyị na-echekarị ma na-eme ihe kwekọrọ maka mgbanwe ọnọdụ, ma too.We aim at the achieve of a richer mind and body as well as the living for Wholesale Price Automatic Pastry Making Machine Dough Sheeter Machine / Mgwakota agwa Rolling Machine , We sincerely welcome consumers from both at home and overseas to come to negotiate company with us.
Anyị na-echekarị ma na-eme ihe kwekọrọ maka mgbanwe ọnọdụ, ma too.Anyị ebumnobi na mmezu nke a ọgaranya uche na ahụ nakwa dị ka ndị dị ndụ makaIgwe mpempe akwụkwọ nke China na Mgwakota agwa Roller, Ndị ọrụ anyị niile kwenyere na: Ogo na-ewuli taa na ọrụ na-emepụta ọdịnihu.Anyị maara na ezigbo mma na ọrụ kacha mma bụ naanị ụzọ anyị ga-esi nweta ndị ahịa anyị na iji nweta onwe anyị.Anyị na-anabata ndị ahịa niile okwu ka ha kpọtụrụ anyị maka mmekọrịta azụmahịa n'ọdịnihu.Ngwaahịa anyị kacha mma.Ozugbo ahọpụtara, Zuru okè ruo mgbe ebighị ebi!


Igwe na-akpụzi croissant bụ maka ịtụgharị achịcha croissant.Onye ọrụ na-etinye mpempe akwụkwọ mgwakota agwa na-ebufe, igwe nwere ike ịtụgharị mpempe akwụkwọ mgwakota agwa na-akpaghị aka.

Ike mmepụta na-adabere na ọsọ nke ndị ọrụ.

Enwere ike ịhazigharị ọsọ mbufe.

Igwe igwe anaghị agba nchara 304 bụ igwe anaghị agba nchara croissant, dị oke mma yana ahụike

A na-eji moto eletrik arụzi igwe croissant, na-ewere ahịrị mmepụta akpaka zuru oke.

Isi uru: Ijikọta ihe owuwu atụmatụ ma anụ ụlọ na esenidụt, kọmpat Ọdịdị, mfe ọrụ, kwụsiri ike imebe echiche, nlezianya na-eme ka si.

Akpaaka electric croissant ịkpụzi igwe, na mpụta shei na-mere na SS304, na ebu na-mere si dị ọcha ibubata ajị, The ịkpụzi mere site esemokwu dị nnọọ mma karịa nkịtị material.The ebu na nnọọ kwesịrị ekwesị size, nnọọ adabara n'etiti na obere ụlọ ọrụ. .The siri Ọdịdị na ike ngwa ngwa na-eme ka anyị ikike nke ukwuu.Igwe na-akpụzi YUYOU croissant na-anọchite anya mmepụta nke ọma yana àgwà ngwaahịa dị mma.

Nka nka







Mgwakota agwa ọkpụrụkpụ

Mgwakota agwa arọ

Nha mgwakota agwa

Igwe na-akpụzi croissant





5000pcs / h

1-3 mm

10-100 g

50-150 mm

Mee Nzọụkwụ

img (1)

Mepee mkpuchi ahụ

img (2)

Gbanwee nha Croissant

img (3)

Gbanwee Ọkpụrụkpụ Mgwakota agwa


1. Q: Olee otú ịhọrọ nke kwesịrị ekwesị?

A: Biko kọwaa anyị ihe ị chọrọ na nkọwa, dị ka ọrụ, mgwakota agwa bọọlụ arọ, hydration, ike ike, na okokụre ngwaahịa wdg.

2. Q: Kedu otu esi eme nlekọta kwa ụbọchị n'ozuzu?

A: A haziri igwe anyị maka nrụzi dị mfe, dị ka nhicha, ịkwasa wdg.

3. Q: Gịnị bụ oge nnyefe?

A: Oge nnyefe: 15-25days mgbe ị nwetasịrị nkwụnye ego.

4. Q: Kedu maka ọrụ mgbe ire ere?

A: Ọrụ mgbe ire ere: Anyị nwere ọkachamara teknuzu injinia na oversea sales.Ya mere, anyị nwere ike inye ngwa ngwa na ọkachamara oru nkwado mgbe ere.

5. Q: Kedu maka nnọchi mgbe ire ere?

A: Igwe dị iche iche anyị nwere akwụkwọ ikike ọnwa 12 maka akụkụ ahụ mapụtara. Ma cilents kwesịrị ịkwụ ụgwọ maka mbupu mbupu. Ị nwekwara ike ịzụta n'aka anyị mgbe ọnwa 12 gasịrị. Anyị na-echekarị ma na-eme ihe kwekọrọ na mgbanwe nke ọnọdụ, ma tolite.We aim at the achieve of a richer mind and body as well as the living for Wholesale Price Automatic Pastry Making Machine Dough Sheeter Machine / Mgwakota agwa Rolling Machine , We sincerely welcome consumers from both at home and overseas to come to negotiate company with us.
Ọnụ ahịa n'ogbeIgwe mpempe akwụkwọ nke China na Mgwakota agwa Roller, Ndị ọrụ anyị niile kwenyere na: Ogo na-ewuli taa na ọrụ na-emepụta ọdịnihu.Anyị maara na ezigbo mma na ọrụ kacha mma bụ naanị ụzọ anyị ga-esi nweta ndị ahịa anyị na iji nweta onwe anyị.Anyị na-anabata ndị ahịa niile okwu ka ha kpọtụrụ anyị maka mmekọrịta azụmahịa n'ọdịnihu.Ngwaahịa anyị kacha mma.Ozugbo ahọpụtara, Zuru okè ruo mgbe ebighị ebi!

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